Yi XuanHer diet was traced systemetically, even putting the information into tables and including the full contents of the meal. She provided a detailed analysis, and categorised her data into for easy reading. She has a rather well-balanced diet, however at times indulging in unhealthy food (eg char kuay teow). This results in a relatively high RDA in general. Her blog layout is simple and easy to read. The information was easy to read and I liked her icon!
CherleneHer diet was tracked in large detail, breaking down the contents of what she eats and the individual foods' nutritional composition. The analysis seemed a bit scattered at times but in general, very good personal analysis of her own diet. Her diet seems a bit lopsided at times sometimes eat so much sometimes so little I think this contributed to an overall low calorie and energy level. Her reflections was also very insightful. I like her blog layout because it was simple and soothing to the eye.
SarahI like her posts they are so funny. Her diet was really recorded/traced down to the nitty gritty details, really good! The entire blog was super wuper organised and yah! She even took into account the flimitations of recording her diet over only a 3 day span. Great analysis done Sarah(: However maybe cut down on protein? (I didn't know you eat so much!!) I like her simple yet "put together"-looking blog.
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