
Friday, September 3, 2010 //
i will never say never




11:00:00 PM

Thursday, September 2, 2010 //
Comments on 3 other blogs

1) Yi Xuan
Her diet was traced systemetically, even putting the information into tables and including the full contents of the meal. She provided a detailed analysis, and categorised her data into for easy reading. She has a rather well-balanced diet, however at times indulging in unhealthy food (eg char kuay teow). This results in a relatively high RDA in general. Her blog layout is simple and easy to read. The information was easy to read and I liked her icon!

2) Cherlene
Her diet was tracked in large detail, breaking down the contents of what she eats and the individual foods' nutritional composition. The analysis seemed a bit scattered at times but in general, very good personal analysis of her own diet. Her diet seems a bit lopsided at times sometimes eat so much sometimes so little I think this contributed to an overall low calorie and energy level. Her reflections was also very insightful. I like her blog layout because it was simple and soothing to the eye.

3) Sarah
I like her posts they are so funny. Her diet was really recorded/traced down to the nitty gritty details, really good! The entire blog was super wuper organised and yah! She even took into account the flimitations of recording her diet over only a 3 day span. Great analysis done Sarah(: However maybe cut down on protein? (I didn't know you eat so much!!) I like her simple yet "put together"-looking blog.

10:25:00 PM

Wednesday, September 1, 2010 //

1. What have you learnt about your eating habits?
I have been eating very unhealthy food): I always felt as if I was eating too little, however I realised through this PT that I have been eating too little dietary fibre, carbohydrates and calcium. As such, I have a low energy level. Perhaps this is why at times I find it hard to keep awake. In addition, too much cholestrol fat and sodium): not good for health! I think that I should snack less and eat more proper food. Also, I should have a more well-balanced diet by incorporating more fruits and vegetables and everything!

2. Do you consider your diet a healthy one? Why?
No, not really. I never really found myself eating healthy due to laziness however after this project, I realised the extent of the unhealthiness. While some aspects of my diet may be healthy, there is a large room for improvement if I really wanted to have more balanced eating habits. Hmm yeah I really should change my eating habits I don't wanna die young!

3. Are the suggested nutritional tools useful? How?
Yes, they gave me a general idea of the nutritional composition of the food I was eating and it was pretty convienient to use- I did not face any difficulties that other people claimed to have faced so I guess I was very lucky in that sense! The automatic calculation based on usual portions of whatever food I ate is much easier than if I manually calculated it out. However the health tools did not give us a clearer picture of other components of our diet, eg vitamins, iron, sugar. Also, the food database might not be wide enough, as such not all the dishes we eat (eg in my case i substitued "parfait" with "frozen desserts") and this might not be an accurate representation of my diet's composition.

4. Why is your suggested one-dish meal healthy?
This one dish meal is very healthy because:
1. WHOLE WHEAT = more vitamins, fibre and minerals!
2. loads of vegetables (eggplant, onion, garlic, tomato, broccoli) = more dietary fibre (I need more dietary fibre according to the analysis of my diet)
3. Olive oil is healthier than normal cooking oil because it is less processed, of HIGH QUALITY, and it has an anti-oxidant effect on the human body cells - 80% of extra virgin olive oil works as a protection against cholesterol, while it stimulating bone growth, and calcium absorption.

It is also very filling, tasty, easy to make, healthier and cheaper to make than restaurant pasta, hence it is a much better alternative.

9:37:00 PM

Monday, August 30, 2010 //
Modified one-dish Meal

Whole Wheat Pasta with Roasted Vegetables and Olives

Nutritional Composition
Calories: 310
Total fat: 13 g
Protein: 9 g
Carbohydrates: 43 g
Fiber: 8 g
Sodium: 300 mg

Sidedishes: Milk (CALCIUM!) and fruits (maybe watermelons and mango) for a well-balanced diet!

I'll definitely eat this more to replace my usual dinners. ITS SUPER YUMMY!

Man I feel hungry again.

8:40:00 PM

Sunday, August 29, 2010 //
Overall Analysis of my Diet

My daily energy requirement is estimated to be 1989 kcal. This amount of energy will maintain my weight, if I want to lose weight I should eat less + exercise more. If I want to gain weight, I should consume more calories than my body requirements

Total Carbs: 44% (recommended amount: 55-65%
Total Protein: 18% (recommended amount: 10-15%)
Total Fats: 38% (recommended amount: 25-30%)

Nutrition messages based on results

Saturated Fat
Your intake of saturated fat was higher that the recommended amount. An excess of saturated fat can raise your blood cholesterol, subsequently increasing your risk of heart disease.

The main sources of fat in our diet are also the sources of saturated fat! These include coconut-milk based foods, blended oil (usually used in commercial cooking), flavoured rice (e.g. chicken rice, nasi lemak, nasi briyani) and creamer/whitener/condensed and evaporated milk in beverages. Cutting down or limiting such sources of fat will also help to reduce saturated fat intake.

Your sodium intake was greater than the recommended amounts. Sodium acts like a sponge, holding water in our body. Excess sodium increases the blood volume, which then raises the pressure in our blood vessels. Hypertension or high blood pressure increases the risk of stroke and heart attacks.

The main source of sodium in our diet comes from salt (sodium chloride) and sauces added during cooking or at the table. To cut down on sodium intake, gradually reduce the use of salt and sauces when preparing or cooking food so that your taste buds have the chance to adjust. Try flavouring foods with natural seasonings like lemon juice or herbs and spices. Choose fresh food over processed foods over processed foods and enjoy the natural taste of foods. When eating out, ask for less sauces or gravy in dishes.

Dietary Fibre
You were not getting enough dietary fibre in your diet. An adequate intake of dietary fibre can help to promote proper bowel functions, reduce blood cholesterol and control blood glucose levels. Dietary fibre can also help to make you feel full longer. Dietary fibre can only be obtained from plant-based foods. Remember to have your 2 servings of fruit and 2 servings of vegetables everyday. Choose fresh fruit or vegetables rather than the juice, and eat the skin (if edible) of cleaned fruit or vegetables. Replace meat-based dishes with beans, peas or lentils in you diet on alternate days. Try to consume 1 serving of wholegrain products from the rice and alternatives group daily, for example unpolished rice and wholemeal bread.

Your intake of cholesterol was more than the recommended amount. Excessive cholesterol intake, especially as part of a high fat diet, can increase blood cholesterol level and put you at risk of heart diseases.

To cut down the intake of cholesterol, replace meat with beans, peas, lentils or bean products 3 times a week. For healthy adults and adolescents, limit eggs to 4 per week. In recipes, try to replace part of the use of whole eggs with just the egg white. Shellfish, prawns, shrimps, crabs, cuttlefish etc as well as organ meats should be eaten no more than twice a week and in small portions.

You were not getting enough calcium in your diet. Without adequate calcium, you may be at risk of developing osteoporosis, a condition where your bones become weak and brittle. If left untreated, osteoporosis can worsen until a fracture (crack or break in the bone) occurs.

Increase your calcium intake from a variety of sources. Consume calcium-enriched breads and biscuits, green leafy vegetables, calcium-fortified juices, high-calcium soya bean milk, ikan bilis, sardines (with bones), tofu, as well as milk and other dairy products. Vitamin D helps our body absorb calcium. Your body can make this vitamin after sunlight hits your skin. You can easily obtain enough by getting at least 30-60 minutes of sunlight a day.

Aside from eating wisely, remember to make exercise a part of your life. Exercise helps to burn fat, tone your muscles, improve your stamina, relax and sleep better, as well as keep you alert and study better! Exercise at least 20 to 60 minutes, 3 to 5 times a week, until you sweat and breathe deeply without getting breathless. Choose an exercise that you enjoy, and try a variety so that you don’t get bored. Keep your exercise routine simple, fun and interesting.

When shopping for food, look out for products with the Healthier Choice Symbol. These products are lower in total fat, saturated fat, sodium and/or dietary fibre content compared to other products in the same category.

8:22:00 PM

Saturday, August 28, 2010 //
Analysis of Day 2 diet!

Rice and Alternatives: 4 servings (bread + cake + rice x 2)
Fruits and Vegetables: 2 (apple + grape)
Meat and Alternatives: not sure, 2? (2 nuggets + chicken&duck)- I had small servings of each item.

I had wayyyyy too little energy on this day. I should increase my energy intake so that I will be able to keep awake and have energy to burn to keep my body running and everything! LATER I FAINT :O
Tooo little carbohydrates today. Might have decreased energy levels (which is true in this case)
Too much protein too. The bulk of my protein consumed today was during dinner- I shouldn't eat both duck AND chicken in large amounts maybe just one would be good enough.
Surprisingly my fat consumption went under the RDDA amount. Even saturated fat. This is good I should keep it up(:
My cholestrol overshot :O again. However not by so much this time. Look at my dinner so much cholestrol consumed! Duck has too much cholestrol for my own good. I shouldn't eat it so much...
My calcium is like less than a sixth of the recommended amount): I think the chances of osteoporosis is very high if I continue eating like that. I will drink more milk!
Dietary fibre was low again. Guess eating fruits isn't enough I should eat veggies too.
Too much sodium again): The killer was seaweed chicken- I won't eat it anymore, its basically empty calories so fattening and yet not much energy/carbs.

In general this is my school day diet. After this analysis, I will not eat duck or seaweed chicken so frequently anymore. In addition I will add in milk and veggies to ensure a well-rounded diet. (However I actually ate a proper lunch today. I don't always do so - see Day 3 diet)

10:23:00 PM

Analysis of Day 3 diet!

Rice and Alternatives: 3 servings (bread + muffin + rice)
Fruits and Vegetables: 2 (apple + grape)
Meat and Alternatives: 2 (pomfret + tofu)

TOO LITTLE ENERGY AGAIN :O I always thought I ate too much hmm maybe I eat too much junk calories that don't give you energy. (I think that I should have eaten more on this day considering that I had CCA and I need a lot of energy for it)
Woah not even half the amount of carbs needed. I should eat more carbs and less protein/sodium! This will give me energy.
Too little protein too. Sighhh I guess I should eat more food that is less sugar/salt laden. This will make my meals more healthy and still get enough energy.
Fat intake was just nice but I ate too much saturated fat. I guess in the future I won't eat tofu hot plate so much.
I expected my cholestrol levels to overshoot again/: Ohman I really shouldn't eat tofu look at the amount of cholestrol!!!
Too little calcium. I should drink more milk it will let me growwwwwww.
Dietary fibre at a new low :O Guess eating fruits isn't enough I should eat veggies too.

I think that as the tofu was homecooked, the results provided were not entirely accurate in analysing my food intake. Homecooked food definitely has less salt, fat, cholestrol and msg! However I will bear in mind these amounts should I intend to eat hot plate tofu in the future. I think that I should have a proper lunch instead of just a fruit tart as um, its not healthy!

7:37:00 PM

Friday, August 27, 2010 //
Analysis of Day 1 diet!

Rice and Alternatives: 3 servings (2 muffins + spaghetti)
Fruits and Vegetables: 0 (OHNOOOOOOOOOO)
Meat and Alternatives: 2 (egg + chicken)

I consumed just about enough of energy which is good cos I will be able to have a higher metabolism rate and hopefully burn more calories and lose weight! However I didn't exercise much that day so I think I ended up piling on kilos):
My carbo range was also good, not super under or over the RDDA amount.
However my protein overshot the RDDA amount. Thankfully I did not eat red meat a lot if not I would have a higher chance of clotted arteries when I grow up!
OMG I OVERATE TOO MUCH FATTY FOOD!!! We need fats, but when consumed in excess amount, fats contribute to weight gain, heart disease and certain types of cancer :O As much as some fats are good for the body, I had almost twice the amount of RDDA recommended amount for saturated fats. This is not good because they raise blood cholestrol and LDL (bad cholestrol!!!)
NO WONDER ON THIS DAY MY CHOLESTROL WAS 2.5TIMES THE RECOMMENDED AMOUNT. I always had the misconception that seafood had the most cholestrol so since I prefer not eating seafood my cholestrol levels would be low but apparently not. Sigh the one egg I ate for lunch had the amount of cholestrol I was supposed to eat for the entire day. I did not know that chicken had so much cholestrol I will definitely try to eat healthier chicken (breast meat, no skin, boiled, boneless) in the future.
Calcium was okay. At most I will drink low fat milk more! This will prevent the onset of osteoporosis.
Dietary fibre I will eat more fruits daily! I need this to promote bowl functions, reduce blood cholestrol levels and control blood glucose levels.
I eat too much food laden with sodium- this is very bad I might get hypertension. I will cut down on salty food. (I know this is bad for my body but I like it. sighhh)

I think this days diet is not very representative of my daily food intake because in general my food intake on weekends increases much more than weekdays because I have more time to eat. However I will bear in mind all these nutritional facts and think twice before I snack in the future!

9:58:00 PM

Thursday, August 26, 2010 //
Healthy Diet Pyramid

This is a Healthy Diet Pyramid that will be referenced during the analysis of my diet.

9:39:00 PM

Wednesday, August 25, 2010 //
Day 3, 25 August, Wednesday

3rd piggy day):

-Bread with Nutella spread (1 slice)

-Chocolate Muffin (1)

-Fruit Tart (1)
-Milo (1 packet)

-Rice (1 bowl)
-Fish with thai chilli sauce (1 serving)
-Tofu (1 serving)
-3/4 of an apple and a serving of grapes.

10:32:00 PM

Monday, August 23, 2010 //
Day 2, 23 August, Monday

Sigh I think I pigged out a lot.

-Bread with Nutella spread (1 slice)

-Banana cake (1 serving)

-Rice (1 serving)
-Seaweed chicken (1)
-Nuggets (1)
-Samosa (1)

-Rice (1 serving)
-Siew Mai (2)
-Duck and chicken slices (1 serving)
-Nonya Kueh (1)
-3/4 of an apple and a bunch of grapes

8:43:00 PM

Saturday, August 21, 2010 //
Day 1, 21 August, Saturday

I've a bad feeling about today):

-Muffins (2)

-Glass of strawberry milkshake (shared)
-Chicken and egg pasta (1 plate/serving)
-Oreo parfait (shared)

-Grape yoghurt (2.5 ounces)

-Chocolate cake (1 slice)

8:31:00 PM

Sunday, August 8, 2010 //

Hello lovely people who read this blog(:

Okay so basically this is for my Food and Nutrition PT eh.

I'm gonna track what I eat for 3 days :O (I think it'll make me sound like a pig but thats okay)

And analyse my diet like using calorie count and the pyramid and other ways!

Ladida off to record my diet!

9:58:00 PM